Grand Officers from 4th District

Each Grand Session the new Worthy Grand Matron selects the Grand Officers for appointed positions.  Listed below are the names of our members from recent years.

YEAR WGM/WGP Appointments
2027-2028 Cheryl Haynes/
2024-2025 Amy-Jo Hoth/Dennis Edwards Elected Associate Grand Conductress-Cheryl Haynes
2023-2024 Betty Jo Yommer/David Bramigk Grand Ruth-Bea Harriett, Grand Esther-Allison Harriett, WM for Exemp- Doris Burgress
2016-2017 Linda Hyatt/Jim Tyson Grand Ruth-Connie Smith
2014-2015 Peggy Pilson/Jimmy Woolard Grannd Electa- Shirley Powell
2013-2014 Susan Jackson/Al Haynes Grand Martha-Debra Miller
2012-2013 Donna Yates/Ken Ezzell Grand Martha-Betty Jo Yommer, Grand Sentinel-Jim Tyson, WM for Exemp-Charlotte Tyson
2010-2011 Linda Bonner/Steve Burgess Grand Esther-Charlotte Tyson, Grand Warder-Jimmy Woolard
2009-2010 Donna Chesser/Tom Jackson Grand Chaplain-Al Haynes, Grand Esther-Linda Lowe, Grand Electa-Juanita Adams
2003-2004 Ann McLaughlin/A.B. Scott Grand Chaplain-Ronald Yopp, Grand Organist-Janice Craun, Grand Adah-Donna Chesser, Grand Electa-Mary Wilkins
1993-1994 Betty Trotman/Bob McLaughlin Grand Chaplain-Jasper Wilkins